This is from a series of dislocated CZ70BD intraocular lenses (IOLs) that were rescued using 8-0 Goretex and employing a Cowhitch knot with 4-point fixation. The CZ70BD IOLs were traditionally sutured to sclera using 10-0 Prolene which has a limited lifespan of approximately 10-15 years before breaking down. Therefore many of these patients may require multiple surgeries on the same lens over decades. Replacing the IOL is an option, however it requires a 7mm wound either scleral tunnel or limbal.
We’ve modified this technique so that it requires only a single 2.75mm corneal incision, rather than previous methods requiring 2 incisions (inferior+superior) or reopening the 7mm scleral tunnel wound and explanting the CZ70BD IOL completely to wrap the knots around the eyelets.
This technique has provided patients with great centration, stability and immediate results without the risk of future dislocation.
Many different approaches to this common presentation. Looking forward to hearing what your preferred approaches are!
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