Idiopathic Retinal Cavernous Haemiangiomas

“Raisin” awareness of this rare finding..

Here’s a young male that was referred for possible BRVO however on examination it’s clear that this wasn’t the case!⁠

This was an incidental finding in a 25yo male with no ocular, medical or family history. ⁠

After thorough systemic work-up and investigation including neuroimaging, he was diagnosed with idiopathic Retinal Cavernous Haemiangiomas. ⁠

These are rare harmatomas of the retinal vasculature which may be associated with neurological and cutaneous haemangiomas. ⁠

They are appear as saccular dilatations of vessels in the inner retinal layers, often with fibrosis and are often described as a “cluster of grapes”. ⁠

Fluorescein angiography shows slow filling and hyperfluorescent staining with no leakage or associated feeder vessels (therefore different to Retinal Capillary Haemangiomas).⁠

These lesions are usually benign and remain asymptomatic. There are reports of few vitreous haemorrhages.⁠

No treatment is necessary, routine follow up is usually all that’s required. ⁠

⁠Have a Grape Weekend!!⁠

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