April Outlook COVID19 Announcement

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We hope this message finds you well in these troubling times.

Outlook Eye Specialists REMAINS OPEN to care for all your patients’ ophthalmic needs.

We continue to provide the highest standard ophthalmic care to the Gold Coast region, with a broad geographical reach, wide-ranging subspecialty interests, and consultant ophthalmologists AVAILABLE EVERY DAY to cater for emergencies and urgencies at both our northern Gold Coast and southern Gold Coastpractice locations.

We have reworked our timetables to maintain social distancing between our doctors and their respective clinical care teams, so Outlook should remain in operation in all but exceptional circumstances. This means appointment times are effectively spaced, minimising waiting times and easily maintaining required social distancing in our waiting rooms. We have upgraded our already meticulous attention to cleaning and sterilisation processes in light of the pandemic as the health and safety of our patients and staff is of course our utmost priority.

We have minimised the need for direct patient contact as much as possible, deferring follow up appointments for routine conditions such as stable glaucoma and defaulting to ‘straight through’ intravitreal injections for those on a stable treatment interval. As always, we are happy to see any patient concerned about their eyes or vision, however any patient COVID positive or suspected of it (including all red eyes) should be referred directly to Gold Coast University Hospital as private facilities need to remain ‘clean’.

Our two vitreoretinal surgeons, each with two World-class Vitreoretinal Fellowships under their belts,are uniquely positioned to care for surgical emergencies (retinal detachment, endophthalmitis, vitreous haemorrhage etc) during this government mandated pause in elective surgery. Collectively, they also represent the entire Gold Coast University Hospital Vitreoretinal Service. Public or private – no problem. Simple! In addition, all of our doctors are more than capable of managing macular degeneration, retinal vascular disease, and other medical retinal conditions needing prompt intravitreal injection therapy.

We sincerely wish you and your family all the best during this crisis, and hope for a speedy recovery on the other side.

Stay safe and well.

The Outlook Eye Specialists Team

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